Old school Swatch Watches

Q1: How many people dance a [i]pas de deux[/i] ans: 2

Q2: Which Roman god of war had a month named after him? Ans: Mars-March

Q3: What are [i]Pravda, Le M0nde,[/i] an the [i]Washingt0n p0st[/i] ans: Newspapers

Q4: What is a Jewish place of w0rship called a ? Ans: Synagogue

Q5: What plant that has white berries can you kiss under at Christmas? Ans: Mistletoe

Q6: In what c0untry is parliament called Congress? Ans: Usa

Q7: Hades was the Greek god of what? Ans: Dead

Q8: What part of the b0dy d0es a chiropodist treat? Ans: feet

Q9: Which ocean liner was said to be unsinkable but sank on its first v0yage? Ans: Titanic

Q10: What is the name f0r the pr0cess which turns animals skins into leather? Ans: Tanning

Q11: Which r0man g0vernor of Judaea ordered the crucifixion of Christ? Ans: Pontius Pilate

Q12: What are underground burial places with passages and crypts called? Ans: Catacombs

Q13: In Greek legend, which w0man ran away with Paris, so starting the Trojan War? Ans: Helen of Troy

Q14: What make-up is French for red?. Ans: rouge

Q15: With which art m0vement do we associate andy warhol? Ans: p0p art